Friday, October 31, 2008

Joy In The Journey #2 ~ Cheryl

I want to continue sharing from a teaching I entitled, “Joy In The Journey!”Last week I was talking about how we must make a decision to find joy in every day. Even when it is a routine day, or a difficult day, we can find something good about it. MOST of life is just everyday routine. If we are always waiting for the next vacation, the next bonus, the kids to get grown, or our spouse to change, we could find that life is passing us by without us enjoying it. We have got to learn to do what Joyce Meyer says, “Learn to embrace the ordinary.”

Start the day out with a determination to enjoy your day! Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Another mistake we can make that causes us to not enjoy our days, is when we compare our life with the life of others. The truth is that NO ONE has the perfect life!! Every life has its good & bad, ups & downs, strengths & weaknesses. It may look like the grass is greener on the other side but it could just be that is where the septic line is!
Every person has their problems, whether we see them or not. When we are spending our time wishing we had something someone else has, we are wasting what we ourselves have been blessed with! So don’t look at the life others lead & spend valuable time wishing you were them.

Remember your life is the ONLY life you can live! Decide to live it to the fullest & enjoy whatever you have to face for the day!

Regroup, Refresh & Relax ~ Norma

In reflecting on my last posting I have been seeking for some spiritual answers to the our response
when all seems to be spinning out of control. I will share with you the what the Holy Spirit has been
showing me. We need more 3 R's in our life and I am not speaking on the old adage,"Readin,
Ritten, and Rithmetic". God spoke these 3 R's into my spirit, REGROUP, REFRESH, and RELAX.

REGROUP -- Get my priorities into proper perspective. Pray before I commit myself to projects. Just because
it is a Good idea does not mean it is a God idea. I do not have to say YES to everything asked of me.
I can be too busy ministering that I may miss the ministers plan for me is. Do not feel guilty if I can not do it all.
When I take on a project that He has not chosen for me I am most likely taking it away from the person He planned to do it.
REFRESH -- Take time out to renew my spirit daily, do not wait until I am in a dry place and then ask ,
"Where Are You God ?" I can not give out what I do not have. Set aside a time for prayer, praise, and study.
Seek out women who are uplifting and know how to come into agreement with me when I have special
needs. Always be available to pray : anytime, anywhere, anyplace. Be prepared for those HOLY GHOST
moments, to help another in their time of need. Always remember, "IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT ME !!"
RELAX -- When I am walking in His will and doing what I know He has called me to there will be
peace in my spirit. This does not mean everything will be ,"Coming Up Roses ",
I am still living life which brings brings all kinds of trials and tests, without them I will never GROW
to my fullest potential in HIM. I can relax in Him knowing when I walk through the trials and tests,
Keeping My Eyes on Jesus I will come out the Victor, giving Him the honor and glory.
So, at the present time I am activating these 3 principles into my life.

Regroup and check out my commitments, making sure they are ordained of God.
Refresh myself daily in taking time out to seek His perfect will for me in this season of my life.
Relax in the comfort of knowing I am not out of control, because I am giving my all to Him.
Until next time, LOOK TO JESUS !! He has ALL the answers you need.

Friday, October 24, 2008

White Chili Recipe

Here's a new one for ya! I'm making this for dinner tonight.... my family loves it when the weather starts cooling off!
White Chili
You will need:
1 lb Ground Turkey
1 lb Chicken Breast (bite size pieces)
1 cup Chopped Onion
2 tbsp butter
Dash of Worcestershire
1 tbsp Dry Italian Salad Dressing
1 Clove Chopped Garlic
1 tsp Oregano
2 tbsp Ground Cumin
4 oz can Chopped Green Chilis
2 16 oz cans of Great Northern Beans
1 can Chicken Broth

In large skillet, brown onions & chicken in butter, worcestershire & dry Italian dressing. After onions start to turn transparent, add turkey and brown. In crockpot, add all other ingredients then stir in meat mixture. Simmer in crockpot for 4 hours or longer.... you can also cook this on the stove if you need a quicker meal.

To serve, spoon into bowl and add a spoon full of sour cream & top with grated cheese! Yummy!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joy In The Journey ~Cheryl

Last week I began a teaching I entitled, “Joy In The Journey!” Many people spend their life looking for the next vacation, the next bonus, the kids to get grown, or even the next relationship, in order to have something enjoyable in life.
The fact is, that most of life is just everyday routine, just doing the things we have to do on a regular basis. You know, going to work, cleaning the house, cooking the meals, paying the bills and taking care of the kids. So, if we only enjoy the fun times, we will not have very much joy in our life.
What we have to do is make a decision that I am going to enjoy my day! Even in doing the mundane, routine things I have to do. The way to do that is to decide to look at the good things we have in our life instead of grumbling about the bad. We can always find someone who is worse off than us and, I believe we can always find some good in any situation.
Be thankful you have the ability to go to that job you may not really be happy with! Be thankful for that house you have got to clean! Find SOMETHING good about the spouse that is really not treating you like you want to be treated! Take some time to enjoy the children in your life!
This is the life you have, decide to enjoy it to the fullest!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Words of Wisdom, For a Peace and Joy Filled Life ~ Norma

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
A sharp tongue can cut my own throat.
If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep.
Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important.
The best vitamin for making friends..... B1.
The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts.
The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge.
One thing I can give and still my word.
I lie the loudest when I lie to myself.
If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished.
One thing I can't recycle is wasted time.
Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do.
My mind is like a functions only when open.
The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.
The pursuit t of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!
It is never too late to become what I might have been.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who
treat you right.. Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it
Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back.
Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems
that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away.
Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forgetwhat's right and wrong.
Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late.
I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.