Friday, August 14, 2009

Women's Meeting Aug. 16th

You are all encouraged and invited to attend our Women's Ministry Meeting @ MCC on Sunday, August 16 @ 5:00pm. God has spoken to Pastor Cheryl about taking a new direction in our ministry to women @ MCC! Don't miss this fun night as we reveal the new face of our Women's Ministry!!Bring finger foods and an excited and open heart!!For more information, contact Pastor Cheryl

Captivity To Freedom ~ Norma

 Captivity to Freedom -- Victim to Survivor
Last night was a milestone for me in my ministry, my first client returned to Buffalo to speak to the Support Groups, Advocates and women who have a passion for our ministry. Her message was how she moved form the mentality of a victim to that of a Survivor, from captivity to freedom !! Do you know how ? She allowed Jesus Christ to become not only her Savior, but Lord of her life. Giving everything over to Him and allowing Him to take control and move her away from, out of and through to the plan that He had designed for her life. Refer to Jer. 29 v 11 & 12, God has a future and a plan of good and not of evil for each of us. Our part is to get into position where He can begin the process. As Tami was speaking I thought of the broken woman who sat on my couch 7 years ago and cried out for help. Today she is confident and self assured that she is in the position that He wants for her at this season of her life. She is serving with the Friendships Ministry home based in Lake Charles ,La,( ), they are a disaster relief organization traveling world wide wherever there is a need. You may be reading this and do not know the plan that God has for your life, you may or may not have been or still are a victim and ask where do I start ? How do I find the plan that God has for my life ?.
#1 (John 3v16) You must know Jesus as Savior, ask him for forgiveness of sin and turn away from the past and look to Him.
#2 (Luke 11v 9-12) Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His Love for people and His power to minister that Love.
#3 (Rom. 12 v2 ) Renew your mind daily to the Word of God and He will become Lord of your life.
Listening to Tami last night brought back to my mind a Bible Study I heard in 1995, this study was a turning point in my life, to begin moving  from Jesus as Savior to Jesus as Lord of my life. I found the outline this morning and want to share it with you.
Let The Past Be The Past
I Cor. 5v17 / Phil 3v13-15 / I Peter 4v3
1. The Past is to LEARN from, Not to LIVE in .
2 . God does not consult your PAST to determine your FUTURE
3. Conquer Your PAST by focusing on your FUTURE
4. STOP looking at where you have been ! LOOK at where you are going!
5 . STOP looking at what you do not have, LOOK at what you do have !
6. Your FUTURE begins with whatever is in your hands TODAY !
7. DON'T always believe what others SAY about you, BELIEVE GOD !
8. Those who created past PAIN, do not CONTROL your FUTURE !
9. You can become BITTER or GET BETTER, You CHOOSE !
This is a process and will not come about overnight, but the diligent seeker WILL find the way with direction and wisdom from,
God the Father, Jesus the Son and The Holy Spirit .


Jesus said, "Without ME YOU can do NOTHING !"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Women's Meeting!!

You are all encouraged and invited to attend our Women's Ministry Meeting @ MCC on Sunday, August 16 @ 5:00pm.
God has spoken to Pastor Cheryl about taking a new direction in our ministry to women @ MCC! Don't miss this fun night as we reveal the new face of our Women's Ministry!!
Bring finger foods and an excited and open heart!!

For more information, contact Pastor Cheryl