Thursday, July 3, 2008

Family Matters ~ Cheryl

I have taken some excerpts from an article from Kids Health that gives 9 steps to more effective parenting & have added my own thoughts, which I will share over several weeks. Hopefully these will help us to tackle our child raising responsibilities & enjoy our children even more. Last week we talked about steps 1-3.
#1.Nuture your child’s self esteem.
#2. Catch your child being good.
#3. Set limits & be consistent with your discipline.
This week I will share steps 4 - 6.
#4. Make time for your children. This is certainly a difficult thing with everyone being so busy, but it is also a very important thing. It will so be worth the effort to take time to do little things with your children. Just taking the time to have a conversation & really listening to what they are saying will mean a lot to them. Family activities give children a feeling of security. Look for ways to connect with your child. Just popping popcorn , having a meal, playing a game, or going for a walk will make great memories for them. Remember that as they get older there will be even less time with them, so use those windows of opportunity while you can. Time is attention and everyone needs attention!
#5. Make communication a priority. Take time to explain things on their level of understanding. Make expectations clear & be sure they understand the consequences of their choices & actions. Don’t ignore little problems, tackle the mole hills before they become mountains. Take time to communicate your beliefs & values to them while they are young.
#6. Be a good role model. Be constantly aware that you are being observed by your children!! Model the traits you want to see in your child: respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, love & tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. Express thanks and offer compliments. Remember children are more likely to do what you do, than do what you say!

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