Friday, October 31, 2008

Joy In The Journey #2 ~ Cheryl

I want to continue sharing from a teaching I entitled, “Joy In The Journey!”Last week I was talking about how we must make a decision to find joy in every day. Even when it is a routine day, or a difficult day, we can find something good about it. MOST of life is just everyday routine. If we are always waiting for the next vacation, the next bonus, the kids to get grown, or our spouse to change, we could find that life is passing us by without us enjoying it. We have got to learn to do what Joyce Meyer says, “Learn to embrace the ordinary.”

Start the day out with a determination to enjoy your day! Abraham Lincoln said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Another mistake we can make that causes us to not enjoy our days, is when we compare our life with the life of others. The truth is that NO ONE has the perfect life!! Every life has its good & bad, ups & downs, strengths & weaknesses. It may look like the grass is greener on the other side but it could just be that is where the septic line is!
Every person has their problems, whether we see them or not. When we are spending our time wishing we had something someone else has, we are wasting what we ourselves have been blessed with! So don’t look at the life others lead & spend valuable time wishing you were them.

Remember your life is the ONLY life you can live! Decide to live it to the fullest & enjoy whatever you have to face for the day!


Unknown said...

If we knew how many days we had left, we'd live them better! It's sad we don't just live them better anyway!

Niki said...

Thanks Cheryl! Something I heard at church once was "The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it and take care of it"!!