Monday, May 18, 2009

Family Matters ~ Cheryl

The world may not care a whole lot today about the marriage relationship, but according to the Word of God, He does! Marriage was His idea in the first place. He created male and female to be together in the garden of Eden. In Genesis 2:18, He even said it was not good for man to be alone. He intended for us to be there for each other through whatever life brings our way.

We should see ourselves as a team, working together against all odds. We are to “complete” each other, not “compete” against each other. Many couples I know are so busy trying to get everything they can out of the other person, and never consider that they may need to be giving something in order to complete their spouse. It really doesn't matter who spends the most time doing things for the kids, it's all about working together with the same, common goal. Many times instead of working together to see what we want accomplished, we waste our time pushing against each other.

God intends for us to be a strong unit, as husband and wife. Ready to stand against the enemy, and stand behind each other. We need to show our children that we are on the same page and let them know they cannot put one against the other.
God even sees us as one flesh! I wonder what kind of relationships we could all have if we always treated the other person in the same way that we want to be treated? Huuum! Food for thought!

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