Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Matters - Buffalo Express

I am so thankful for God and His Word!! Even in times when there are troubles we are facing, God and His Word is still the same. Isaiah 26:3 says, He will keep us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed on Him.
You may be thinking, “My life is anything but peaceful right now! There are things going on in my family, in my health, in my finances and I don’t know what to do about it!“
I have flown several times when while in the air, we experienced what we call turbulence. But, praise the Lord, we didn’t crash! Remember, just because you are going through some things that may be shaking you up right now doesn’t mean you are done for!
During times when we begin to worry or fret, we need to stop, take a step back and refocus on God’s Word.
There is a way to have peace right in the middle of our storms!! God will give His perfect peace but, our part is to keep our focus on Him and His Word and continue to trust in Him regardless how shaky things may get!

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