Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Word For The Day ~ Norma

What SHAPE are you in?

With the arrival of spring I begin to think about getting my physical body into shape for summer.
How can I best lose those few extra pounds I picked up over the winter ?
I begin to cut back on the sugar, eat smaller portions and try to get in some walking and stretching exercises.
As I was walking one day I began to think about my spiritual shape. How do I maintain proper "Spiritual Shape?"

S ~ Spiritual Gifts / Do not allow my Spiritual gifts go unused, they may become rusty.

H ~Heart of Passion/Do not let go of my desire for the Word.
A~ Abilities/ How can my natural abilities be used for God?

P~ Personality / Do I present an attitude of peace and love to others?

E~ Experiences/ Do I turn my trials into testimonies ?

This Spring as I work to get my body back into shape.
I am also working on improving my Spiritual Shape !!
Won't you join me?

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