The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.
You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read straight through, and you'll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do? The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies.. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson ? :
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials.. the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Colortest - Try it!
This is pretty neat! See how you do with the colors! Have fun!
It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions!
It's harder than it seems, as it should be!
Click here:
Comment & let us know how you did!!!!!
It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions!
It's harder than it seems, as it should be!
Click here:
Comment & let us know how you did!!!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ways to Reduce Stress
1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together
10. Take one day at a time.
11. Separate worries from concerns . If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
16. Carry a Bible in your purse or briefcase to read while waiting in line.
17 Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19 Get organized so everything has its place.
20. Listen to an inspirational cd while driving that can help improve your quality of life.
21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
24. Make friends with Godly people.
25. Keep a tablet or 3X5 card of favorite scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus.'
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).
31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
32. Sit on your ego.
33 Talk less; listen more.
34. Slow down.
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
36 . Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.
'If God is for us, who can be against us?'
(Romans 8:31)
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together
10. Take one day at a time.
11. Separate worries from concerns . If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety . If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
16. Carry a Bible in your purse or briefcase to read while waiting in line.
17 Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19 Get organized so everything has its place.
20. Listen to an inspirational cd while driving that can help improve your quality of life.
21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
24. Make friends with Godly people.
25. Keep a tablet or 3X5 card of favorite scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus.'
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).
31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).
32. Sit on your ego.
33 Talk less; listen more.
34. Slow down.
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
36 . Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.
'If God is for us, who can be against us?'
(Romans 8:31)
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Merry Heart
A Bunny Story
Once upon a time there was a man who was peacefully driving
down a windy road. Suddenly, a bunny skipped across the road
and the man couldn't stop. He hit the bunny head on. The man
quickly jumped out of his car to check the scene. There, lying
lifeless in the middle of the road, was the Easter Bunny.
The man cried out, "Oh no! I have committed a terrible crime!
I have run over the Easter Bunny!"
The man started sobbing quite hard and then he heard another
car approaching. It was a blonde in a red convertible. The
woman stopped and asked what the problem was. The man
I have done something horribly sad. I have run over the
Easter Bunny. Now there will be no one to deliver eggs on
Easter, and it's all my fault."
The woman ran back to her car. A moment later, she came back
carrying a spray bottle. She ran over to the motionless bunny
and sprayed it. The bunny immediately sprang up, ran toward the
woods, stopped, and waved back at the man and woman. Then it
ran another 10 feet, stopped, and waved. It then ran another
10 feet, stopped, and waved again. It did this over and over
and over again until the man and the woman could no longer see
the bunny.
Once out of sight, the man exclaimed, "What is that stuff in that bottle?"
The woman replied, "Harespray. It revitalizes hare and adds permanent wave."
Once upon a time there was a man who was peacefully driving
down a windy road. Suddenly, a bunny skipped across the road
and the man couldn't stop. He hit the bunny head on. The man
quickly jumped out of his car to check the scene. There, lying
lifeless in the middle of the road, was the Easter Bunny.
The man cried out, "Oh no! I have committed a terrible crime!
I have run over the Easter Bunny!"
The man started sobbing quite hard and then he heard another
car approaching. It was a blonde in a red convertible. The
woman stopped and asked what the problem was. The man
I have done something horribly sad. I have run over the
Easter Bunny. Now there will be no one to deliver eggs on
Easter, and it's all my fault."
The woman ran back to her car. A moment later, she came back
carrying a spray bottle. She ran over to the motionless bunny
and sprayed it. The bunny immediately sprang up, ran toward the
woods, stopped, and waved back at the man and woman. Then it
ran another 10 feet, stopped, and waved. It then ran another
10 feet, stopped, and waved again. It did this over and over
and over again until the man and the woman could no longer see
the bunny.
Once out of sight, the man exclaimed, "What is that stuff in that bottle?"
The woman replied, "Harespray. It revitalizes hare and adds permanent wave."
Plan now to attend....
Mark your calendars now!!! Our annual Spring Women's conference will be April 18 - 19th. Our special guest speaker will Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon. More details will come soon!!!!
Family Matters
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matt. 7:24
Even though you can’t see the foundation of a house, it is actually the most important part of the structure of the home. The same is true as far as our family is concerned. It doesn’t really matter what it may look like on the outside, if the foundation is not firm, it can fall!
I have seen marriages fall apart & everyone being shocked because they thought they had a “perfect” marriage. The truth is that there are no perfect marriages, because there are no perfect people, and a marriage is only as strong as the two people in it. Instead of trying to make our family life “appear” to be great, maybe we should reconsider the foundation of it & be sure it is strong.
The most important thing is to be sure that our foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ. He must be the center of our family. He is the “ROCK” of our foundation! When we are founded on Him, even when the storms of life come, our family can continue to stand.
You may say, “ my family is not really interested in serving God.” Well, it has to start somewhere! What about with you? You make the decision to go to church, pray & read the Word. Every time you do, you are making your foundation stronger! God really wants to help our family life!
Even though you can’t see the foundation of a house, it is actually the most important part of the structure of the home. The same is true as far as our family is concerned. It doesn’t really matter what it may look like on the outside, if the foundation is not firm, it can fall!
I have seen marriages fall apart & everyone being shocked because they thought they had a “perfect” marriage. The truth is that there are no perfect marriages, because there are no perfect people, and a marriage is only as strong as the two people in it. Instead of trying to make our family life “appear” to be great, maybe we should reconsider the foundation of it & be sure it is strong.
The most important thing is to be sure that our foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ. He must be the center of our family. He is the “ROCK” of our foundation! When we are founded on Him, even when the storms of life come, our family can continue to stand.
You may say, “ my family is not really interested in serving God.” Well, it has to start somewhere! What about with you? You make the decision to go to church, pray & read the Word. Every time you do, you are making your foundation stronger! God really wants to help our family life!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A man said he lives by these 4 rules...
A man said he lives by these 4 rules everyday:
Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie.
So here they are :
1.. "Drink" from the "everlasting cup" every day.
2.. "Steal" a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are.
3. "Swear" that you will be a better person today than yesterday.
4. And last, but not least, when you "lie" down at night thank God for the day!
Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie.
So here they are :
1.. "Drink" from the "everlasting cup" every day.
2.. "Steal" a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are.
3. "Swear" that you will be a better person today than yesterday.
4. And last, but not least, when you "lie" down at night thank God for the day!
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Angel Lush With Pineapple
1 hr 15 min.
Makes:10 servings, one piece each
~1 pkg. (4-serving size) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling
~1 can (20 oz.) DOLE Crushed Pineapple in Juice, undrained
~1 cup thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
~1 prepared round angel food cake (10 oz.)
~10 fresh strawberries
MIX dry pudding mix and pineapple in medium bowl.
Gently stir in whipped topping.
CUT cake horizontally into three layers. Place bottom cake layer on serving plate; top with one-third of the pudding mixture. Repeat layers two times.
REFRIGERATE at least 1 hour. Top with strawberries just before serving. Store leftovers in refrigerator.
Substitute: Prepare as directed, using JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Fat Free Sugar Free Instant Reduced Calorie Pudding & Pie Filling and COOL WHIP LITE Whipped Topping.
How to Cut Cake: Use toothpicks to mark cake into three layers. Use a serrated knife in a sawing motion to easily cut layers.
Variation: Lemon Berry Lush with PineapplePrepare as directed, using JELL-O Lemon Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Household Hints
To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up.
For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
Leftover snickers bars make a delicious dessert. Simple chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream.
For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting.
Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic and at the end of the recipe if your want a stronger taste of garlic.
Leftover snickers bars make a delicious dessert. Simple chop them up with the food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!!! Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Word For The Day
~From Norma...
Spring is just around the corner, this is my favorite time of year.
It must also be God's for He out does Himself during this time.
So many lovely flowers, trees budding and the birds singing, who can see all
this splendor and not believe there is a God. Then of course there are those
pesky weeds that seem to come from nowhere. This got me to thinking how often my life is likened to Spring. God shows me something new and exciting from His Word
and I begin to apply it to my life and sure enough something will pop up to
give me an opportunity to put my new found knowledge to work.
Just as I apply Round-Up to the weeds in my lawn and garden, I must use the
Word against whatever it is that is attempting to overtake my joy in what I
have gleaned from the Bible. I have found that unlike Round-Up that kills in 24-48 hours I must be diligent in several applications of Scripture to kill the thoughts,ideas and/or suggestions
that seem to come from who knows where ?? So while I enjoy Spring and
prepare my lawn for another growing season,I am also preparing my Spirit for a New Season in God.
No matter what the season in the natural or the spiritual I will praise Him
and give Him Glory.
My favorite Scripture says,(John 15:4&5) Jesus speaking ,"I am the vine, you
are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can
do nothing."
It is my prayer that each of us remain attached and bear much fruit for the
Spring is just around the corner, this is my favorite time of year.
It must also be God's for He out does Himself during this time.
So many lovely flowers, trees budding and the birds singing, who can see all
this splendor and not believe there is a God. Then of course there are those
pesky weeds that seem to come from nowhere. This got me to thinking how often my life is likened to Spring. God shows me something new and exciting from His Word
and I begin to apply it to my life and sure enough something will pop up to
give me an opportunity to put my new found knowledge to work.
Just as I apply Round-Up to the weeds in my lawn and garden, I must use the
Word against whatever it is that is attempting to overtake my joy in what I
have gleaned from the Bible. I have found that unlike Round-Up that kills in 24-48 hours I must be diligent in several applications of Scripture to kill the thoughts,ideas and/or suggestions
that seem to come from who knows where ?? So while I enjoy Spring and
prepare my lawn for another growing season,I am also preparing my Spirit for a New Season in God.
No matter what the season in the natural or the spiritual I will praise Him
and give Him Glory.
My favorite Scripture says,(John 15:4&5) Jesus speaking ,"I am the vine, you
are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can
do nothing."
It is my prayer that each of us remain attached and bear much fruit for the
A Merry Heart
The Rabbit and the Blonde
A man is driving along a highway
and sees a rabbit jump out
across the middle of the road.
He swerves to avoid hitting it,
but unfortunately the rabbit jumps
right in front of the car. The driver,
a sensitive man as well as an animal
lover, pulls over and gets out to see
what has become of the rabbit.
Much to his dismay, the rabbit is dead.
The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.
A beautiful blonde woman driving down
the highway sees a man crying on the
side of the road and pulls over. She steps
out of the car and asks the man what's wrong.
'I feel terrible,' he explains, 'I accidentally hit
this rabbit and killed it.' The blonde says,
'Don't worry.' She runs to her car and pulls
out a spray can. She walks over to the limp,
dead rabbit, bends down, and sprays the
contents onto the rabbit. The rabbit jumps up,
waves its paw at the two of them and hops
off down the road. Ten feet away the rabbit stops,
turns around and waves again, he hops down the
road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops
another ten feet, turns and waves, and repeats
this again and again and again, until he hops out
of sight.
The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman
and demands, 'What is in that can? What did you
spray on that rabbit?' The woman turns the can around
so that the man can read the label.
It says..
(Are you ready for this?)
(Are you sure?)
(This is bad!)
(It's definitely a Blonde Joke!)
(You know you could just click off
and not read the punch line....)
(You know you're gonna be sorry)
(Last chance)
(OK, here it is)
It says,
"Hair Spray -
Restores life to dead hair,
and adds permanent wave."
A man is driving along a highway
and sees a rabbit jump out
across the middle of the road.
He swerves to avoid hitting it,
but unfortunately the rabbit jumps
right in front of the car. The driver,
a sensitive man as well as an animal
lover, pulls over and gets out to see
what has become of the rabbit.
Much to his dismay, the rabbit is dead.
The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.
A beautiful blonde woman driving down
the highway sees a man crying on the
side of the road and pulls over. She steps
out of the car and asks the man what's wrong.
'I feel terrible,' he explains, 'I accidentally hit
this rabbit and killed it.' The blonde says,
'Don't worry.' She runs to her car and pulls
out a spray can. She walks over to the limp,
dead rabbit, bends down, and sprays the
contents onto the rabbit. The rabbit jumps up,
waves its paw at the two of them and hops
off down the road. Ten feet away the rabbit stops,
turns around and waves again, he hops down the
road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops
another ten feet, turns and waves, and repeats
this again and again and again, until he hops out
of sight.
The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman
and demands, 'What is in that can? What did you
spray on that rabbit?' The woman turns the can around
so that the man can read the label.
It says..
(Are you ready for this?)
(Are you sure?)
(This is bad!)
(It's definitely a Blonde Joke!)
(You know you could just click off
and not read the punch line....)
(You know you're gonna be sorry)
(Last chance)
(OK, here it is)
It says,
"Hair Spray -
Restores life to dead hair,
and adds permanent wave."
Monday, March 17, 2008
Family Matters
There are many people who are very unsatisfied with where their life is today. They look at their life and wonder what happened to all my goals & dreams of what life would be. It is o.k. to realize that things are not what you wanted them to be, but it is not o.k. to stay there. Instead of getting into depression about your life and the turns it has taken, make a decision to change things.
We usually can’t change our life overnight, but we usually can change some things it if we try. “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, as they say, but it was built a little at a time. Get motivated to begin making changes in whatever area of life you are not happy with. If your marriage is not where you want it to be, start thinking about how you could make the relationship better.
Take tiny steps to improve your relationships, your finances, your physical body,……whatever it is that you think is causing your unhappiness. Keep running in the race one step at a time and one day you may just find that you are where you wanted to be.
“Life is not about having everything we think will make us happy, it’s about finding a way to be happy with everything we have.”
~P. Cheryl
We usually can’t change our life overnight, but we usually can change some things it if we try. “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, as they say, but it was built a little at a time. Get motivated to begin making changes in whatever area of life you are not happy with. If your marriage is not where you want it to be, start thinking about how you could make the relationship better.
Take tiny steps to improve your relationships, your finances, your physical body,……whatever it is that you think is causing your unhappiness. Keep running in the race one step at a time and one day you may just find that you are where you wanted to be.
“Life is not about having everything we think will make us happy, it’s about finding a way to be happy with everything we have.”
~P. Cheryl
Friday, March 14, 2008
Remember to live & love...
In order to hear this, you will need to mash pause on the playlist at the bottom of the page. Just scroll down.....then come back up & mash play & enjoy!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This Will Brighten Your Day!!
I found this very entertaining today, since I've been stuck at home with sick kiddos!! Thought it would give you a chuckle!!
Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for six weeks.
Each kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes.
There is no fast food.
Each man must take care of his 3 kids; keep his assigned house clean, correct all homework, complete science projects, cook, do laundry, and pay a list of 'pretend' bills with not enough money.
In addition, each man will have to budget in money for groceries each week.
Each man must remember the birthdays of all their friends and relatives, and send cards out on time.
Each man must also take each child to a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment and a haircut appointment . He must make one unscheduled and inconvenient visit per child to the Urgent Care (weekend, evening, on a holiday or right when they're about to leave for vacation). He must also make cookies or cupcakes for a social function.
Each man will be responsible for decorating his own assigned house, planting flowers outside and keeping it presentable at all times.
The men will only have access to television when the kids are asleep and all chores are done.
Each father will be required to know all of the words to every stupid song that comes on TV and the name of each and every character on cartoons.
Each man will have to make an Indian hut model with six toothpicks, a tortilla and one marker; and get a 4 year old to eat a serving of peas.
Each man must adorn himself with jewelry, wear uncomfortable yet stylish shoes, keep their nails polished and eyebrows groomed. The men must try to get through each day without snot, spit-up or barf on their clothing.
During one of the six weeks, the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps, back aches, and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain or slow down from other duties. They must try to explain what a tampon is for when the 6-yr old boy finds it in the purse.
They must attend weekly school meetings, church, and find time at least once to spend the afternoon at the park or a similar setting.
He will need to read a book to the children each night without falling asleep, and then feed them, dress them, brush their teeth and comb their hair each morning by 7:00. They must leave the home with no food on their face or clothes.
A test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required to know all of the following information: each child's birthday, height, weight, shoe size, clothes size and doctor's name. Also the child's weight at birth, length, time of birth, and length of labor, each child's favo rite color, middle name, favorite snack, favorite song, favorite drink, favorite toy, biggest fear and what they want to be when they grow up.
They must clean up after their sick children at 2:00 a.m. And then spend the remainder of the day tending to that child and waiting on them hand and foot until they are better.
They must have a loving, age appropriate reply to, 'You're not the boss of me'.
The kids vote them off the island based on performance. The last man wins only if...he still has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's notice.
Six married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for six weeks.
Each kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes.
There is no fast food.
Each man must take care of his 3 kids; keep his assigned house clean, correct all homework, complete science projects, cook, do laundry, and pay a list of 'pretend' bills with not enough money.
In addition, each man will have to budget in money for groceries each week.
Each man must remember the birthdays of all their friends and relatives, and send cards out on time.
Each man must also take each child to a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment and a haircut appointment . He must make one unscheduled and inconvenient visit per child to the Urgent Care (weekend, evening, on a holiday or right when they're about to leave for vacation). He must also make cookies or cupcakes for a social function.
Each man will be responsible for decorating his own assigned house, planting flowers outside and keeping it presentable at all times.
The men will only have access to television when the kids are asleep and all chores are done.
Each father will be required to know all of the words to every stupid song that comes on TV and the name of each and every character on cartoons.
Each man will have to make an Indian hut model with six toothpicks, a tortilla and one marker; and get a 4 year old to eat a serving of peas.
Each man must adorn himself with jewelry, wear uncomfortable yet stylish shoes, keep their nails polished and eyebrows groomed. The men must try to get through each day without snot, spit-up or barf on their clothing.
During one of the six weeks, the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps, back aches, and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain or slow down from other duties. They must try to explain what a tampon is for when the 6-yr old boy finds it in the purse.
They must attend weekly school meetings, church, and find time at least once to spend the afternoon at the park or a similar setting.
He will need to read a book to the children each night without falling asleep, and then feed them, dress them, brush their teeth and comb their hair each morning by 7:00. They must leave the home with no food on their face or clothes.
A test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required to know all of the following information: each child's birthday, height, weight, shoe size, clothes size and doctor's name. Also the child's weight at birth, length, time of birth, and length of labor, each child's favo rite color, middle name, favorite snack, favorite song, favorite drink, favorite toy, biggest fear and what they want to be when they grow up.
They must clean up after their sick children at 2:00 a.m. And then spend the remainder of the day tending to that child and waiting on them hand and foot until they are better.
They must have a loving, age appropriate reply to, 'You're not the boss of me'.
The kids vote them off the island based on performance. The last man wins only if...he still has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's notice.
Word For The Day
When we are born again we inherit a whole new family. I especially like having sisters in the Lord.
Being the oldest of 4 girls and getting married at a very young age, I was not very close to my sisters in our teens and early adult years. Moving 1200 miles from home in my mid 30's did not help make it any easier. Through the years I have had many "Sisters in the Lord." I have found that true sisters feel each others
pain when they are in the midst of trials. They share joy and laughter together. They understand when the pressures of life seem like they will overtake you.They stand in the gap and pray for each other.
II Cor.1:4 tells us God comforts us in our troubles, so we can comfort those in trouble with the comfort
we ourselves received from God. This is what we are to bring to a sister who is in pain and needs comfort. To share with her in time of need the love that God so freely gives to each of us.
A Spirit filled Sister in the Lord can hear the sadness in your voice when you are trying keep your world from crashing down around you. I am so glad for Sister's in the Lord !!
She is a ministering angel sent by the Lord to bring comfort in a time of need.
Being the oldest of 4 girls and getting married at a very young age, I was not very close to my sisters in our teens and early adult years. Moving 1200 miles from home in my mid 30's did not help make it any easier. Through the years I have had many "Sisters in the Lord." I have found that true sisters feel each others
pain when they are in the midst of trials. They share joy and laughter together. They understand when the pressures of life seem like they will overtake you.They stand in the gap and pray for each other.
II Cor.1:4 tells us God comforts us in our troubles, so we can comfort those in trouble with the comfort
we ourselves received from God. This is what we are to bring to a sister who is in pain and needs comfort. To share with her in time of need the love that God so freely gives to each of us.
A Spirit filled Sister in the Lord can hear the sadness in your voice when you are trying keep your world from crashing down around you. I am so glad for Sister's in the Lord !!
She is a ministering angel sent by the Lord to bring comfort in a time of need.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Word For The Day
Hebrews 12:15 NKJ “…Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you…and thereby many be defiled.”
Have you ever thought about bitterness as being a spiritual defect or a principality? Bitterness has a rulership position. Bitterness also has a group of lesser evil spirits under it they are; unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger and wrath, hatred, violence and murder. They are the fruit of the root of bitterness.
When you allow the sin of bitterness to hang on you are telling God that He is not needed in your situations. Basically you have put yourself in God’s position by judging the person, making youself greater than The Living God. You can have bitterness against God, yourself, or others. The thing is bitterness and its little evil spirits want to separate you from God and His peace. They will separate you from peace with yourself and others. Bitterness is a strongman in Satan’s kingdom that produces intense ill will or hatred in a person under its influence. The lesser yet increasingly more evil spirits called underlings support it and provide it with armor; eventually producing an Unforgiving spirit.
We must be convicted by God not – condemned – and use discernment to identify these spirits on our lives (Romans 8:1).
“Inhale His Presence and Exhale His Wisdom”
Hebrews 12:15 NKJ “…Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you…and thereby many be defiled.”
Have you ever thought about bitterness as being a spiritual defect or a principality? Bitterness has a rulership position. Bitterness also has a group of lesser evil spirits under it they are; unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger and wrath, hatred, violence and murder. They are the fruit of the root of bitterness.
When you allow the sin of bitterness to hang on you are telling God that He is not needed in your situations. Basically you have put yourself in God’s position by judging the person, making youself greater than The Living God. You can have bitterness against God, yourself, or others. The thing is bitterness and its little evil spirits want to separate you from God and His peace. They will separate you from peace with yourself and others. Bitterness is a strongman in Satan’s kingdom that produces intense ill will or hatred in a person under its influence. The lesser yet increasingly more evil spirits called underlings support it and provide it with armor; eventually producing an Unforgiving spirit.
We must be convicted by God not – condemned – and use discernment to identify these spirits on our lives (Romans 8:1).
“Inhale His Presence and Exhale His Wisdom”
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Household Hints
Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.
Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.
Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster.
Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold!
Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.
O.K. Ladies,
I know you are I need to hear your comments!!! You don't have to be a blogger to comment. Just click on the comment link below each post, type in your comment, type your name & click on anonymous....& it's done! Let me know what you are thinking...
P Cheryl
I know you are I need to hear your comments!!! You don't have to be a blogger to comment. Just click on the comment link below each post, type in your comment, type your name & click on anonymous....& it's done! Let me know what you are thinking...
P Cheryl
Word For The Day
Isaiah 43:18-19
18.Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.
19.Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
It's a new day ladies! It's a day that the Lord has made! It's a day to forget the things of old & look ahead to the new things God has in store for us.
Take a real deep breath, praise the Lord for His goodness,put a smile on your face & look forward to a super blessed day!
~P Cheryl
18.Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.
19.Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
It's a new day ladies! It's a day that the Lord has made! It's a day to forget the things of old & look ahead to the new things God has in store for us.
Take a real deep breath, praise the Lord for His goodness,put a smile on your face & look forward to a super blessed day!
~P Cheryl
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Woman's Diet
A Woman's Diet
This is a specially formulated diet designed to help women cope with the
stress associated with PMS and menopause.
1 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 cup skim milk
1 small portion lean, steamed chicken or salmon
1 cup spinach (steamed or fresh)
1 cup herbal tea (preferably hot)
1 Hershey's kiss
Afternoon Tea
The rest of the Hershey Kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips
4 glasses of soda
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size supreme pizza
3 Snickers Bars
Late Night Snack
1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)
Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.
Share this with four women and you will lose two pounds. Share this with all the women you know
(or ever knew) and you will lose 10 pounds. If you ignore this message, you will
gain 10 pounds immediately. That's why I had to pass this on -- I didn't want to risk it.
This is a specially formulated diet designed to help women cope with the
stress associated with PMS and menopause.
1 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 cup skim milk
1 small portion lean, steamed chicken or salmon
1 cup spinach (steamed or fresh)
1 cup herbal tea (preferably hot)
1 Hershey's kiss
Afternoon Tea
The rest of the Hershey Kisses in the bag
1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips
4 glasses of soda
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size supreme pizza
3 Snickers Bars
Late Night Snack
1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)
Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.
Share this with four women and you will lose two pounds. Share this with all the women you know
(or ever knew) and you will lose 10 pounds. If you ignore this message, you will
gain 10 pounds immediately. That's why I had to pass this on -- I didn't want to risk it.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Family Matters
There’s a common assumption that only people who come from low-income, broken families or single parent homes can be dysfunctional. But some wealthy families and two-parent homes are equally dysfunctional. The word dysfunctional means, "impaired in function." This fits the profile of many families. If hurt and past failure have left your family in turmoil, be encouraged; life can get better! Below are ways to drive dysfunction out of your home and live in the original intent God has for your family:
1. Get God’s input. With so many "experts" running around with all of their ideas and inventions, it can sometimes be confusing to know who to listen to. The Bible specifically outlines God’s original design for the family. As long as we live according to His will, we can avoid the world’s less than perfect lifestyle and live in His perfect peace. (Gen. 2:8-24)
2. Set realistic expectations. You will always run into trouble when you pattern your life after a fantasy. The perfect images you see on television and in the movies are not real. Let the weight of what God has to say about you, your family and your situation outweigh the weight of unrealistic burdens, and you will be blessed with His empowerment to prosper and have good success. (Joshua 1:8)
3. Make the Word of God the final authority in your home. To be a functional family in the plan of God, we must live according to Kingdom principles. What is right for this situation according to the Kingdom? How can this problem be solved with a Kingdom mindset? When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we can expect the promise of abundance. (Matthew 6:33)
4. Build on covenant love. This kind of love has a "stick to it" mentality that lasts longer than surface attraction. It is the key to establishing strong, functional family relationships and will ensure that you come through on the other side with a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. (Gen. 17:1-8; Rom. 8:35-39)
1. Get God’s input. With so many "experts" running around with all of their ideas and inventions, it can sometimes be confusing to know who to listen to. The Bible specifically outlines God’s original design for the family. As long as we live according to His will, we can avoid the world’s less than perfect lifestyle and live in His perfect peace. (Gen. 2:8-24)
2. Set realistic expectations. You will always run into trouble when you pattern your life after a fantasy. The perfect images you see on television and in the movies are not real. Let the weight of what God has to say about you, your family and your situation outweigh the weight of unrealistic burdens, and you will be blessed with His empowerment to prosper and have good success. (Joshua 1:8)
3. Make the Word of God the final authority in your home. To be a functional family in the plan of God, we must live according to Kingdom principles. What is right for this situation according to the Kingdom? How can this problem be solved with a Kingdom mindset? When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we can expect the promise of abundance. (Matthew 6:33)
4. Build on covenant love. This kind of love has a "stick to it" mentality that lasts longer than surface attraction. It is the key to establishing strong, functional family relationships and will ensure that you come through on the other side with a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. (Gen. 17:1-8; Rom. 8:35-39)
What's for supper????
"What's for supper tonight?" If you ladies are anything like me, I'm sure this question starts weighing on your mind early in the day. In my family, like many of yours, it's a rare treat to have everyone sit down together for a hot meal. I've learned to take help wherever I can get it and I have to say that a crock-pot can be a girl's best friend. Although not the most "calorie friendly" meal, I wanted to share one of my favorite crock-pot recipes with you. I hope you enjoy it!
Easy Gourmet Crock-Pot Chicken
4 whole or 8 half chicken breasts
3 TBSP melted butter
1 package dry Italian Dressing mix
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1TBSP chopped onions
6-8 oz. cream cheese
salt & pepper
egg noodles or rice
Cut chicken into bite sized pieces & put in crock-pot. Add salt & pepper. Pour butter over chicken & add Italian dressing mix. Combine. Cover & cook on low for 4 to 5 hours.
In small sauce pan combine soup, cheese & onion. Heat until blended using a whisk. Pour over chicken & combine. Cover & cook on low for another 45 minutes. Serve over rice or noodles.
Easy Gourmet Crock-Pot Chicken
4 whole or 8 half chicken breasts
3 TBSP melted butter
1 package dry Italian Dressing mix
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1TBSP chopped onions
6-8 oz. cream cheese
salt & pepper
egg noodles or rice
Cut chicken into bite sized pieces & put in crock-pot. Add salt & pepper. Pour butter over chicken & add Italian dressing mix. Combine. Cover & cook on low for 4 to 5 hours.
In small sauce pan combine soup, cheese & onion. Heat until blended using a whisk. Pour over chicken & combine. Cover & cook on low for another 45 minutes. Serve over rice or noodles.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
2008 Women's Spring Conference
Mark your calendars now!!! Our annual conference will be April 18 - 19th. Our special guest speaker will Pastor Mary Jean Pidgeon. More details will come soon!!!!
Household Hints
For those annoying black scuff marks that get on the floor: get a paper
towel, rub it vigorously between your hands (to get the lanolin that your
hands secrete), and rub the scuff marks. Works better than any cleaner you
can find. Worked in the back hall this morning where some of our younger set
had been sliding! And, it's FREE!!!
HoneyBee Morris
towel, rub it vigorously between your hands (to get the lanolin that your
hands secrete), and rub the scuff marks. Works better than any cleaner you
can find. Worked in the back hall this morning where some of our younger set
had been sliding! And, it's FREE!!!
HoneyBee Morris
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Word For The Day
Philippians 3:13 (New Living Translation)
" No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."
It's for sure that none of us have reached all of our goals, spiritually, physically, or any other way. However, we must do like this scripture says and keep looking forward to what is ahead. Some translations say, "straining forward." Remember this, "Winning is not the result of not failing, it's the result of not quitting." So let's keep 'straining forward" to do & be all God desires for us to be!
Have a blessed day!
P Cheryl
" No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."
It's for sure that none of us have reached all of our goals, spiritually, physically, or any other way. However, we must do like this scripture says and keep looking forward to what is ahead. Some translations say, "straining forward." Remember this, "Winning is not the result of not failing, it's the result of not quitting." So let's keep 'straining forward" to do & be all God desires for us to be!
Have a blessed day!
P Cheryl
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