Friday, March 7, 2008

Family Matters

There’s a common assumption that only people who come from low-income, broken families or single parent homes can be dysfunctional. But some wealthy families and two-parent homes are equally dysfunctional. The word dysfunctional means, "impaired in function." This fits the profile of many families. If hurt and past failure have left your family in turmoil, be encouraged; life can get better! Below are ways to drive dysfunction out of your home and live in the original intent God has for your family:
1. Get God’s input.
With so many "experts" running around with all of their ideas and inventions, it can sometimes be confusing to know who to listen to. The Bible specifically outlines God’s original design for the family. As long as we live according to His will, we can avoid the world’s less than perfect lifestyle and live in His perfect peace. (Gen. 2:8-24)
2. Set realistic expectations. You will always run into trouble when you pattern your life after a fantasy. The perfect images you see on television and in the movies are not real. Let the weight of what God has to say about you, your family and your situation outweigh the weight of unrealistic burdens, and you will be blessed with His empowerment to prosper and have good success. (Joshua 1:8)
3. Make the Word of God the final authority in your home. To be a functional family in the plan of God, we must live according to Kingdom principles. What is right for this situation according to the Kingdom? How can this problem be solved with a Kingdom mindset? When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we can expect the promise of abundance. (Matthew 6:33)
4. Build on covenant love. This kind of love has a "stick to it" mentality that lasts longer than surface attraction. It is the key to establishing strong, functional family relationships and will ensure that you come through on the other side with a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. (Gen. 17:1-8; Rom. 8:35-39)

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